The postpartum period can be a stressful time in a new parent’s life as they learn to understand their baby’s cues and begin caring for their newborn. To dispel ignorance and provide support to new families, the Women’s Health Center offers midwife home visits during the postpartum period. During them, the midwife will be able to answer all current questions related to breastfeeding, newborn care and mother’s self-care.
During a visit to the midwife’s home, you can find answers to many different questions, such as:
- Does the baby latch onto the breast correctly
- Is the breastfeeding technique appropriate
- Which breastfeeding positions to choose
- What to do if the baby does not take enough milk
Newborn care:
- “Morning toilet”, how to care for eyes, ears, face, skin folds
- How to take care of the navel
- Like bathing a baby
- Why does a newborn cry and how to help him
- How to properly transport a baby in a car seat and in what positions to sleep
Newborn care:
- The ABC of the first six postpartum weeks
- Intimate hygiene
- Breast care
A midwife’s home visit can be requested by calling the reception of the Women’s Health Center.