• Women’s Health Center

    It is important for every woman to find her own gynecologist who will take care of her feminine health.

  • A team of professional gynecologists in Riga

    Personal treatment and discretion are core values ​​of the Women's Health Center.

Woman health centre

About Us

Our priority is to provide professional consulting, diagnostics and treatment in one place in order to use the clients’ time and resources in the most effective way.

Our clinic is an alliance of professionals working in different medical fields. Concerned for the well-being of patients, our doctors always listen to the complaints and wishes of the visitors in the most thorough way and think about how to satisfy them quickly and effectively. Whatever we do, we do it from the hearth!

Our Services

At the Women’s Health Center, it is possible to consult a gynecologist, radiologist or endocrinologist, perform tests or different operations and manipulations of various complexity.

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Neauglība. Kāpēc? Ko darīt?

Neauglība. Kāpēc? Ko darīt?

Par neauglību tiek uzskatīta sievietes nespēja ieņemt bērnu gadu ilgā periodā, kura laikā viņai bijusi regulāra dzimumdzīve bez pretapaugļošanās līdzekļu vai citu izsargāšanās metožu izmantojuma. Precīzāk – neauglība tiek definēta…

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Why Choose Us?

Our aim is to provide all important examinations in one place creating that the doctor's visit, diagnosis and treatment become more pleasant and soothing.

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